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Escaping the Matrix Pro

Free your mind and your body (Real-world tools to improve your life) Warning this is a powerful Radionic Tool this is not a toy!!! This product is powered by the Quantum Grid Prime 2.0 The Matrix,” the theme is freedom. The question asked in the movie “Is freedom possible?”

This is a must-have product

Over the past 20 years, I’ve dedicated myself to studying occult knowledge mastering quantum physics I’ve worked for NASA Boeing McDonnell Douglas. I have work for the pharmaceutical industry in the corporate healthcare field. My many years of combined experience have proven to me that we live in a holographic constructed matrix a synthetic reality. The ancient teachings have written about the secrets. By combining these ancient metaphysical teachings with modern-day science we are better able to on attach ourselves from the matrix.

The matrix is real and it’s all around us!!

One scientist argues that our reality is akin to a giant multiplayer video game The Escape the Matrix system provides a powerful set of mind-machine tools that help you to break free Take your power back and free yourself from the trap!!! Protect yourself protect your wealth amplify your energy heal your body. Once you realize the rules inside of this video game that we live in you can modify and break the rules and change reality in your favor. The energy flows where your attention goes. What is radionics? Although we cannot detect the energy which heals a cut finger or observe radio waves or see the current inside an electrical circuit, these everyday occurrences affect our lives and well-being. The one thing which they have in common is that they are all forms of energy. The Universe is organized and maintained by an electro-dynamic field and the electro-dynamic fields of all living things, which may be measured and mapped with standard voltmeters, mold and control each organism's development, health, and mood. Every living creature in the Universe is a mass of vibrating energy within these fields and the blueprint for perfect harmony and well-being is achieved when all cells are oscillating at the optimum rate of vibration. Radionic treatment was founded on the belief that each individual has a unique energy pattern. If this is in a state of balance and harmony, the individual will experience good health. However, distortions in the energy pattern caused by things such as bacteria, viruses, injuries, shocks, and psychological upsets often lead to the development of physical illnesses or psychological disorders. Radionics is classed as an energy medicine as it deals with the energy fields of the body and is designed to encourage the body to repair itself.

Free your body and your mind!!

The matrix is an allusion but if you try to escape the illusion then you are acknowledging that the illusion is real you must not escape the illusion you must understand that or a controller in the matrix. You must hack the matrix controls to make your reality real. Escaping the matrix toolset is your path to freedom. This is probably the most important product I've ever made

You do not have to be a battery!!

Take your energy back!!

Use this tool to escape!!

Pro Version Includes: Instructional video Corporate Talismans Casting Pro plate The Pro plate allows you to target males females communities cities countries and the planet. License agreement Bonus: Grim Shot Extreme - protect yourself inside of the matrix. This tool allows you to have a energetic weapon against your enemies inside of the matrix and protect yourself and your family. Instructional video Escape from Danger Talisman Instructional PDF BUY NOW!!!! Copyright © 2019, Moonshadow. All Rights Reserved. This content may not be duplicated without written permission from the author.


©2020 by MoonShadow

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