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Blackout USA Review

Product Description:

The survival prepping trend has been increasing over the years. As more and more natural disasters and terrorist attacks occur, people are starting to be aware that they need to be prepared just in case any disaster occurs. These are very real threats and anyone could find themselves in a precarious situation at any time.

This explains the popularity of survival and prepper courses and guides nowadays. The trend shows no signs of waning and there are many manuals, guides and courses on this topic all over the internet.

One of the bestselling survival courses with thousands of satisfied customers is Blackout USA. Written by Alex Deacon, this guide covers a very important topic about how you should survive and cope during an electromagnetic pulse incident, also known as an EMP attack.

Alex had a prediction that the EMP attack would strike soon but his prediction didnít pan out. Nevertheless, this is a situation that could happen at any time and currently, the US is still vulnerable to such attacks.

EMP incidents could arise due to natural disasters, solar flares, terrorist attacks, etc. When an EMP incident occurs, most electrical devices will not work and this can pose a huge problem.

The lights will be out. Transport systems will be down. Even your refrigerators wonít work. This can be a very difficult situation because you are reduced to the basics and if you do not have the knowledge to survive, it is going to be a nightmare for you.

Alex Deacon met Charles Green, a professor living in an Amish community for a couple of years. He was living off the grid and had a wealth of knowledge when it came to survival and together they collaborated and created Blackout USA.

Whether this story is true or just clever marketing is anyoneís guess but Alex is an expert at survival and has been an active contributor to blogs and websites about survival. Blackout USA is an excellent guide and youíll learn a lot from it.

Letís weigh the pros and cons of this guide.

The Good Points:

1) Blackout USA will teach you how to restart your vehicles and get them running after an EMP attack. This is probably the most useful tip in the book. It means youíll know how to get from one place to another instead of being left stranded with no means of transport.

There are also many tips on preserving your food since your refrigerator will not work. Youíll be taught how to create a Faraday cage to protect whatever working electronic equipment you have. Looting will probably occur during such trying timesÖ and Alex shows you what you need to do to safeguard your property from looters.

2) Despite containing a lot of detailed information, this guide is written in an entertaining and simple manner so that anyone can easily understand and apply the info within. Itís all laid out step-by-step and even beginners can follow it without any issues.

3) The guide is inexpensive and for the amount of useful information you get, this is definitely value for money.

4) This is a risk-free purchase because it has a 60-day money back guarantee, just in case youíre not satisfied with your purchase.

5) The main product is complemented with useful bonuses such as ìOff-Grid Home Protection Systemî and ìHow to Make Your Own Pharmacyî.

6) You also gain access to a membersí area where you can field questions to the support staff in case you have any enquiries.

7) Blackout USA come in a hard copy version too. Most guides in this niche are usually in digital format. So, being able to purchase a physical copy is useful if you prefer to hold what youíre reading. Of course, youíll have to pay extra to get the guide shipped to you.

The Bad Points:

1) Unlike most survival guides which cover a wide range of topics, this one is mostly focused on EMP attacks. This is probably the only negative point to Blackout USA. However, Blackout USA is an ëauthorityí on this topic because most guides are too broad in scope to do a really detailed explanation of what you need to do in an EMP attack.

Should You Get It?

You should. This is an investment that will reap rewards many times over should an EMP attack ever occur.

Donít wait till a crisis hits before you start scrambling. By then it will be too late. The information in Blackout USA will truly help you get through an EMP incident without too much struggle.

Knowledge is power and by knowing what to do, you will not panic like others, should such an event occur. Assuming that no such event will ever happen is complacent and unwise. This is a scenario that can take place at any time. You would be wise to be prepared.

Knowing that youíre a true survivor and youíve the skills to deal with an EMP attack will give you confidence and peace of mind. This is priceless. Get Blackout USA and be prepared.


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