Vaccinations Harm Psychic Abilities

Vaccinations Harm Psychic Abilities
Two pieces of evidence that vaccinations harm psychic abilities:
1. From Credo Mutwa, Zulu shaman:
"We were told that there was a great smallpox epidemic coming to the land and all the children must be vaccinated. My grandfather used to say that the white man’s vaccination makes you blind and if you are to look after the cattle you must not go to the trading store to get your vaccination. Inspectors used to come and check each child for signs of vaccination. Our grandmother used to give us great pain in order to save our spiritual eyes. Grains of maize would be heated up and pushed against the skin of the child, and so when the schools inspectors came he saw the blisters and assumed the child had been vaccinated…and I noticed that school children in mission schools who had been vaccinated for smallpox or measles could not see spiritual entities at all. A flying saucer would fly through the sky at great speed and be seen by many men & women but the children who had been vaccinated would see nothing and I noticed this hundreds of times."
Credo Mutwa (the reptilian agenda video pt 1 )
2. From the research of Stephanie Relfe, Kinesiologist:
The CIA Correction
I discovered something VERY strange when doing kinesiology corrections on people. I have done over 500 sessions over the past seven years. The way that I work is that I get the body to tell me which, of the hundreds of many corrections, is the most important one to do on a body. There are a number of finger modes which help speed this process. For example, if I touch my thumb to my 1st (index) finger, and the arm I am muscle testing tests weak, that means that the priority is a STRUCTURAL problem. Similarly, when I touch my thumb to my middle finger that means the problems is chemical or nutrition, the 4th (ring) finger is emotional and the little finger is electrical.
Having narrowed the field down a little, one can then run through numerous lists and questions. Basically, I play 21 questions with the body (In this game you have 21 questions to find out what a person is thinking. They can be thinking of ANYTHING. They will only answer "yes" or "no" to your questions).
I had a client in the USA whose body told me that the priority that needed correcting was structural. I ran through some possibilities and the body indicated it wanted a correction from kinesiology called the "C.I.A." correction. CIA stands for "Common Integrative Area". This is an area behind our ears where our past and part of our ego is stored. When a person needs this correction, it indicates that they are being affected by their past. Once the body indicated that this was the correction that was needed, I then did the test for CIA. This gave me a second chance to confirm that the original answer I got was correct. The test for CIA is to tap the person just behind both ears. Then when you muscle test an arm, they will go weak, if CIA is called for.
I had done this correction dozens of times on many people. However, this day was different. To my amazement, when I tapped behind the ear and muscle tested the arm, the arms stayed strong. I went back to muscle testing the arms to recheck. I said "C.I.A.". Sure enough, the arm went weak again. Now, here I had a paradox. The letters "C.I.A." gave a weak reaction, but the Common Integrative Area was in fine working order.
So, I had a thought as to what the body might be trying to tell me. I said "Central Intelligence Agency". Sure enough, the arm went weak! This was what the body was trying to tell me.
I muscle tested to find out when this became a problem. I got sometime in childhood. I balanced out whatever the effects were.
Since that time, I have done my "Central Intelligence Agency" test and correction on a number of people. I never went looking for it. This correction just presented itself the same as it had for the man I first did this to. I have done this correction to Americans and Australians.
As I began to ask the body more questions about what this was, I began to get that it had something to do with vaccinations. Possibly some kind of crystal that goes in with the vaccination.
After all, when we are vaccinated it is the ONLY time that someone gets a chance to put something directly into our blood. Is this the real reason why 'they' are so insistent on vaccinating?
After writing this I found an old article from that I had kept. David Icke said he was told by a CIA scientist working against his will that microchips were so small they were being inserted by injection during vaccination. If you want to have some idea of how small these chips can get, have a look at this photo which was taken at a university in England which is developing chip technology.
We can only wonder if 'they' are willing to let us know they can make them this small, just how small do they go???