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Attack Reptilians with the Breathing Technique Success Stories from Readers


Attack Reptilians with the Breathing Technique

Success Stories from Readers

If you haven't already done so, you need to first read this story to understand what this technique is: Amazing Breathing Technique causes Reptilians to Lose Human Form! I would suggest an improvement to the technique would be to ask GOD to fill you with love and to ask to send HIS love through you to them, in addition to what you do.

This first one from Angela is first class - it made me laugh all evening.


Stephanie, I have an interesting update for you on the August 23rd Article: Amazing Breathing Technique causes Reptilians to Lose Human Form.

I was traveling in my car on Highway Rte 66 in Northern Virginia, on my way to work this morning when I saw a van with an interesting license plate. The license plate said USEGOD. I thought, my that's an interesting way to put it. Then as I got nearer to the van I saw a symbol on the plate that struck me as familiar and I had this "urge" to use this Technique on the vehicle ahead of me because I could have sworn I have seen that symbol somewhere as a FreeMason symbol (whom we all know have reptilian blood). So I decided to Stare. Stare like I've never stared before, all the while breathing deeply and sending out pure love to the Van.

Because I was on a multi-lane highway, I decided after about 20 seconds of staring to come up to her Van and pass her. As I began to pass her I glanced to look at the Van and my gaze met this Ugly looking woman's scorn. I have never seen someone look at me with so much hate before (for no apparent reason :). I decided to pull back and do it again to her. As I did I saw her began to frantically begin to weave in and out of traffic to get away from me. I managed to speed up and look at her one last time, and as I did I saw her shake her head at me. Then my exit appeared and I had to exit.

This was a very intriguing experience to me. As I rushed into work I logged onto the Virginia's DMV website to search for that symbol I saw on her license plate. Low and behold- it was the symbol of The Order of the Easter Star- a Freemason's order. Then I did a search for The Order of the Easter Star and reptilians and I found some interesting information.

The part I find so humorous is the fact that her license plate said "USEGOD", I laughed softly to myself. Because that is exactly what they are doing. "Using" god- as a cover. And when I "Used gods power"- it destroys them. LOL.

I just wanted to share my experience with you today, in hopes that you will post it on your site. Because I feel this is a very good tool for all of us "enlightened" ones to use.

In love and light Angela


©2020 by MoonShadow

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